Sunday, March 8, 2009

Niche Marketing

Many entrepreneurs think that selling to the widest possible market is the likeliest path to success. They are afraid to pursue a market niche because they fear they'll lose business by turning away customers. But this 'take all comers' approach is not very effective. It's hard to stand out when you market your business without a distinctive set of prospects in mind.Occupying a niche means you won't be competing with a lot of similar businesses solely on price. And because you will be selling products and services that are customized to the specific needs and predispositions of a select group of people, you can often charge more. Your products and services serve a market that can't easily find alternatives.The process starts with market research: analyze your best potential customers, your competitors, your market's predisposition toward your products and services, and your ability to serve these people so well as to make you their vendor of choice.Market research is like sticking your toe into a lake before jumping in. If you figure out exactly which group of people you want to reach, and what their needs are, you avoid wasting time and money. Once you know, you can alter your product or services to fit the needs of your target market more closely, and you can craft a message that reflects your business and your customer.Market research does not require expensive consultants, surveys or focus groups-- it can be as simple as asking your best customers the right questions. To determine if a particular niche is right for you, ask yourself these questions:* Do I have an identifiable target population with similar interests and needs?* Is the market large enough to support my business?* Can I tailor my products, services, and business identity to address that market's particular needs?* Is my target market currently underserved?* Can I reach my potential customers in a cost-effective manner? Your niche will give your marketing efforts a natural, sharp focus. The more you specialize, the more your market will see the value of your services because you speak directly to their unique situation. Assuming your niche is large enough, you can do quite well by becoming a provider of products and services that can't be found anywhere else.Larry Klein discovered his target market from the inside. A successful financial advisor, he retired from his primary job and became a marketing guru to other financial professionals. He knew they needed marketing help, but as he talked to them and worked with them, he discovered that what they wanted most were ways to reach seniors.Klein explains, "I'm not 60. So, you don't have to be a member of your ideal marketplace. But if you talk to enough people in that market group, you're going to get it. You have to be awake and aware and be listening for what it is."All the information you need to target and succeed in an ideal marketplace is out there waiting to be found," says Klein. "You can take the guesswork out of building a business."Having talked to enough seniors to understand their needs, Klein refined a series of methods for approaching them with investment opportunities. Now he offers seminars and writes articles about these strategies and has defined himself as a specialist in this area. You and I may not have heard of him, but within his targeted sector of the financial planning community, Klein is slightly famous.
I have written a comprehensive manual on HOW TO BE RICH RUNNING INFORMATION PRODUCTS MARKETING BUSINESS, it gives you all the information about how to be successful in any niche market.
Some of the contents of the manual are:
1) What are Information Products?
2) The 5 critical steps to creating a profitable
Information product.
3) How to start with zero and end up with a fortune
4) Incredible Information product Idea generation
techniques that are so simple, they will make you laugh all
the way to the bank.
5) Awesome Techniques for Triggering A Tidal Wave of orders
for your Info product.
6) Exactly what it takes to succeed in completing your own
information product.
7) How to know whether people will really pay for what you
8) All the tips and Techniques you will need to succed.
9) Marketing your Info products and many more.

To get own copy of the unique manual take the following steps:
1) Visit any branch of UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA
PLC(UBA) and pay the sum of N7,500 (seven Thousand Five
2) Alternatively, visit any branch of
INTERCONTINENTAL BANK PLC and pay the sum of N7,500 (Seven
Thousand Five hundred Naira Only) into ISMAIL OLADITI
ABDULAZEEZ A/C 0133110000717804
3) Send me an e-mail titled "PAYMENT NOTIFICATION"
containing the following:
a) Your office / Home Postal address.
b) Telephone Number.
c) Date of receiving this report.
d) Bank to which payment is made.
e) Title of what your ordered for.
The manual with other bonuses (if you qualify) would then be
dispatched to you immediately your payment is received.

If after receiving the manual you are for any strange reason
dis-satified with it, you can return it for a full refund of
your money. But before then, you have to notify me within a
week of receiving the manual. Again, you have to ensure that
the manual get to me not later than two weeks after the e-mail
If you order this manual within 14 days after receiving this
report all these and many more will be yours in addition:
I. Article on "The 4-step secret System for
Creating Unending cash flow". When I also discovered it I knew
I could never be broke again.
II. Article on "How To Find People who
Desperately want your product or service and practically make
them beg you sell it to them at any price you want for it...".
III. Article on "How To Leverage what other
people know to create unending cash flow.
IV. Article on "How To Make More Money In A
Day Than Most People Do in A Month".
V. Free Life -Time Consultation with me on
this Business.
That is if you act within 14 days of receiving this free
report by sending me your e-mail payment notification advice.
Dear entrepreneur friend, it is my sincere hope that you would
not let this golden opportunity pass you by poverty won't be
your portion by the grace of Almighty God.
I am dutifully standing by to receive your payment
notification in less than 14 days from now.
Your copy of the unique manual with the bonuses are already
packaged writing to be delivered to you.
Sincerely Yours,
Ismail AbdulAzeez.
If you reside in Lagos state or Ogun state and / or their
metropolis and you wish to visit my home office personally to
pay cash and collect the package; you are privileged and
sincerely welcome.
4, Ismail AbdulAzeez Street,
Singer B/Stop,
Ewupe - Ijaniye,
Sango Ota,
Ogun State.
Tel: 01-7653994 or 08023050835 ask of
Ismail AbdulAzeez.
PPS: Remember the business I am about to introduce to you is
the business that I have been running for good eight years
now! And I have used it to achieve lot of things- including.
* Paying all my debts- both to banks and individuals.
* Establish other businesses - if you understand this
business the way I do, you will not go for bank loans /
overdrafts again, because you will be creating excessive cash
on your own.
* Built a house of my own and even named the street after
* Investing regularly on the Nigeria Stock Exchange.
PPS: One on One training / Consultation on How to set
up Information Products Marketing Business is available at
N10,000 (Package include - Personal Consultation with me and
the comprehensive manual on HOW TO BE RICH RUNNING INFORMATION
PPS: Act now! Nothing happen without action. Do not
procrastinate; make hay while the sun shines.

By : Ismail

How To Make Money Fast Online

How To Make Money Fast Online
Maverick Money Makers 1997 - 2009
The question has come into everyone's mind at a point or another."How to make money fast?" Luckily for everyone who has ever had that question come to mind there is an answer. There are several ways to make money quickly online.
3 websites to make money online.
1. Associated Contend.
2. Cash Create.
3. Forum Booster.
Let's begin with associated contend. Associated contend should be the number one stop for those people who frequently ask themselves, how i could make money fast. Associated Contend requires you to write contend. Which in other words for those who aren't familiar with the online language, contend means articles.
Associated Contend requires that you write Articles for them, they will pay you anywhere from $3 to $40 for your content.
Most of the time however the bids that they place on you contend are for much less then $10. However, this is still a great way to make money online if you can type several articles per day. You may be surprised to see how easy it has become to earn a part time income through writing for Associated Contend.
The next side we will talk about is Cash Create. Cash Create is a site that pays you to take surveys. They may pay anywhere from a dollar to possible hundred dollars, just for you to take the survey.
Doesn't sound to bad now does it? The reason they pay you to complete surveys is that companies are willing to shell out loads of cash for in-depth information from their consumers to find out exactly what the word on the street is about their product or services.
They have even a daily survey on the homepage that is garanteed to make you some extra income; the garanteed survey on the homepage pays $0.80. It may not seem like much but do the math, over a 30 day time period. That is almost $30 extra dollars just for taken surveys.
Are you still asking yourself that question, how do i make money fast? Well writing tons of articles and surveys doesn't really sound like your cup of tea, there is alway's the alternative of Forum Booster.
Forum Booster is a website that pays you $0.10 for each post you make on a forum. This is great for those of us that would be searching and posting on forums eather way, whynot get paid for it? If you can post sixty posts in 1 hour, you can make $6, which is not that bad for earning money online.
It may not be minimum wage, but you have the advantage of being in the comfort of your own home. you can be in you pj's sipping coffee while working on posting on those forums.Each post should be a minimum of 12 words,which is not difficult to do at all.
Overall there are Tons of ways to make money quickly online but these are just the tried and true and the best of the best.
Maverick Money Makers is a private society that will teach you how to build a six-figure a month business on the internet. If you want to make money online, join the society before it's too late.

Internet Marketing, Thinking Outside The Box For Profits!

Internet marketers can sometimes put themselves in a box mentality. This limits them to using normal online marketing techniques. But marketing is marketing, sure the technical aspects like html, domain names, auto responders, etc, are completely different, but the internet is just a delivery medium for your business. People are people with the same emotions, needs and wants, both online and offline.
Dan Kennedy has stated that the most dangerous number in marketing is one. That is if you are just reliant on one marketing medium source like the internet, you may be in trouble. What happens if your CPC (Cost per click) rises dramatically or a campaign gets shut down? Enough with the scare tactics, all I am saying is, what else, or how else can you communicate to the masses?
If you sold sporting equipment online or a sports related e-book, could you put flyers on car windows (Hire a kid to do it.) at a sporting match and get a R.O.I. (Return on investment) If there are two hundred cars in the car park, could any be potential customers? Could you talk to a coach about how your products help the sports team? Is sponsoring an option?
I have seen a small sticker placed underneath the McDonalds drive through window. It just had a powerful headline that caught your attention and the web address. It was placed at eye level for customers in the car, waiting for their order. Now depending on your target market it may not be too targeted. However, if your product is for the person who gets take away food like busy moms or dads, young tradesman, etc. The sticker would probably get removed in a few days, but how much traffic would literally see your sticker? This is a bit sneaky and not recommended, but it is an example of thinking outside the box.
I have also seen a business owner go to his local book store and place business cards in books and magazines, relating to his niche. Now limited in physical numbers agreed and shifty, but could be very highly targeted prospects. Can you get a R.O.I. if you tried postcard marketing? What about a placing a classified ad in the newspaper? How about putting a flyer on the local community board? Putting an advertisement in the neighborhood watch or school newsletter, would that work? If you do article marketing on the net, could you send articles to a physical magazine? I have seen plenty of gurus do this and it is almost automatically given the author expert status with the readers.
If you sell a pet related e-book, like dog training, could you contact the pet store owner and give away a shorter version of your e-book or report like, "Seven crucial points you should know about training your dog!" with every bag of dog food sold? This could be a great lead generation method for your site. In return for the pet store owner, you could make a recommendation in your e-book about his pet shop. To take this one step further on a bigger scale, could you contact the dog food manufacturer and work out a deal?
A yoga teacher offered a shorter version of her yoga video to the newspaper for free to give out with the paper. A deal was worked out for the printing costs. The newspaper sold more papers because it was giving away a free DVD, and the yoga teacher gained instant guru status and clients. Not to mention the thousands of new visitors to her website looking for the complete DVD and other yoga accessories.
Sure some tactics won't give you the numbers, or are too time consuming to use, but the point of the article is to think outside the box. What offline marketing method can you mix with online for maximum results?
Copyright 2009 Craig Howlett

By : Craig Howlett

Why Submit Articles To Articlesbase Directory

Article marketing is one of the most important internet marketing strategy that can determine the success and failure of an online business.
There are many ways to carry out article marketing and one of the ways is to submit articles to articles directories with one or more links included in the articles submitted. The link when crafted properly will interest readers of the articles where they will click on the link and be directed to the author's website bringing traffic to the website.
Getting traffic from the readers of article directories is not the only reason why internet marketers or authors submit their articles to article directories. In the online world where content is the very key for any website success, many website owners find it difficult to keep writing fresh contents for their websites to keep readers interested. Hence these website owners usually come to article directories to find suitable article content to republish these contents to their websites.
With such activity going on in the world wide web, articles submitted to article directories, when written well, can most likely be picked up by website owners for republishing which will spread virally and distributed to many related websites all over the internet.
By doing so, the author of the articles not only benefit from increase traffic to his/her website but the benefit search engine optimization in the increase in the number of links to the author's website spread together with the articles.
Recently, with the increasing demand to allow website owners get articles automatically fed to their websites several automatic blogging scripts and article marketing automation service have evolved in the market. These type of scripts and service has become increasingly popular as it makes updating websites with content much easier. One such script is known as Automatic Blog which pulls articles from ArticlesBase article directory automatically to the blogs of script users.
With the increasing demand of Automatic Blog script, it has also become increasingly important to submit articles to ArticlesBase directory. This is because, articles submitted to ArticlesBase do not have to wait to be chosen by website owners but will automatically be fed to blogs and spread much faster.
Furthermore, submitting articles to ArticlesBase is free, all you need to do is set up a free account, write a good article for the editors to review and you are all set to spread your articles automatically.

By : Bobby Leong