Sunday, March 8, 2009

Why Submit Articles To Articlesbase Directory

Article marketing is one of the most important internet marketing strategy that can determine the success and failure of an online business.
There are many ways to carry out article marketing and one of the ways is to submit articles to articles directories with one or more links included in the articles submitted. The link when crafted properly will interest readers of the articles where they will click on the link and be directed to the author's website bringing traffic to the website.
Getting traffic from the readers of article directories is not the only reason why internet marketers or authors submit their articles to article directories. In the online world where content is the very key for any website success, many website owners find it difficult to keep writing fresh contents for their websites to keep readers interested. Hence these website owners usually come to article directories to find suitable article content to republish these contents to their websites.
With such activity going on in the world wide web, articles submitted to article directories, when written well, can most likely be picked up by website owners for republishing which will spread virally and distributed to many related websites all over the internet.
By doing so, the author of the articles not only benefit from increase traffic to his/her website but the benefit search engine optimization in the increase in the number of links to the author's website spread together with the articles.
Recently, with the increasing demand to allow website owners get articles automatically fed to their websites several automatic blogging scripts and article marketing automation service have evolved in the market. These type of scripts and service has become increasingly popular as it makes updating websites with content much easier. One such script is known as Automatic Blog which pulls articles from ArticlesBase article directory automatically to the blogs of script users.
With the increasing demand of Automatic Blog script, it has also become increasingly important to submit articles to ArticlesBase directory. This is because, articles submitted to ArticlesBase do not have to wait to be chosen by website owners but will automatically be fed to blogs and spread much faster.
Furthermore, submitting articles to ArticlesBase is free, all you need to do is set up a free account, write a good article for the editors to review and you are all set to spread your articles automatically.

By : Bobby Leong

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